Our Privacy Policy

Here is our privacy policy:

Total privacy.

Further details

You are our customer. You are not the product. We will never sell your information to anyone. There is no advertising or tracking on this site. There is no deception; no dark patterns. Many web services exist to gather people’s information and profit from it. This is the case for many “free” CV and résumé sites. We hate this crap. We value privacy, for ourselves and for others.

This is why we do not offer Google or other third-party logins, and ask you to create a password just for this site. Google encourages people to use their logins, because it helps them to track you, and they profit from this information. This is also why we don’t use fonts, javascript libraries, or other resources downloaded from other servers or CDNs: they can also be used to track you. Our commitment to privacy is absolute, and guides everything we do.

The only way anyone will see your data is if you choose to share one of your CVs—or if a government agency with jurisdiction gets a court order compelling us to turn it over. Unlike some companies, we won’t turn over your information just because someone from the government asks us to.

No lock-in

Along with our commitment to privacy comes our belief that your data belongs to you, including all the information that you enter into this site. This is why we’ve made it as easy as we can for you to leave any time you want to and take your data with you. Just click the data export buttons on your account page to download your data as often as you want, whether you’re leaving us or not.

You can trust us to treat you the way we would want to be treated. After all, we and our friends and colleagues use this service, too. We created it for us, because we needed it, and there was nothing else like it available. We hope you find it as useful as we do.

We won’t bother you

We hate the stream of emails we get from every service that we’ve signed up for. So that we won’t forget about them, they send us useless messages about their new features or changes in policy. We don’t care, and we’re guessing you don’t either. That’s why we don’t even ask for your email address. We’ll be here when you need us. The experts tell us we could make more money if we were more annoying. We’re not going to do it. We don’t have a newsletter. If there is a new feature we’d like you to know about, it will be announced on the site. Check in any time. Or don’t.

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